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    Add a Featured Photo To Your Contest

    A featured photo can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your contest and immediately convey the theme to your participants. Here’s a step-by-step guide on adding a featured photo to your contest on ViralKit.

    1. Access Contest Settings

    Log in to your ViralKit account and either create a new contest or select an existing one to edit. Navigate to the section of the contest setup where you can upload media.

    Look for the prompt “Do you want to feature a photo or video?”. Here you will have two options:

    • Photo: This option is for featuring a still image in your contest.
    • Video: Select this if you want to feature a video instead.

    For a photo, make sure the “Photo” option is selected.

    Click on the “+ Choose File” button to browse and select the image file from your computer. Your file should ideally be in a web-friendly format (like .jpg or .png) and sized according to ViralKit’s guidelines for optimal display quality.

    3. Previewing the Photo

    After selecting your file, the chosen image will appear in the contest preview on the right side of the page. Ensure the image is correct and displays exactly how you want it to appear in the contest.

    4. Saving and Previewing the Contest

    Once you are satisfied with the selected photo:

    1. Click the “Save & Preview Contest” button to save your changes.
    2. This action will take you to a live preview of your contest where you can see how the featured photo will look to participants.

    Finalizing Your Contest

    Review the preview carefully. Make sure that the photo is displayed correctly and enhances the overall look and feel of your contest page. If everything is in order, your contest is now visually equipped to attract and engage participants with its new featured photo.

    Remember, a well-chosen featured photo can tell a story and set the tone for your contest, encouraging more engagement and entries. Choose an image that is both eye-catching and relevant to the theme of your contest to make a lasting impression.

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