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    Manually Adding a User to Your Contest on ViralKit

    If you need to manually add a participant to your contest on ViralKit, whether to reward promotional efforts or to rectify an issue, the process is straightforward. This guide covers the steps to manually register a user for your contest.

    1. Accessing Manage Entries

    1. Log in to your ViralKit account.
    2. Navigate to the contest dashboard and select the contest you wish to manage.
    3. Click on the “Manage Entries” section to view the list of current participants and to manage entries.

    2. Manually Add User

    Within the “Manage Entries” section, locate the “Manually Add User” button and click on it. This can typically be found in the “Show Users” area or a similar subsection of the contest management interface.

    3. Enter User Information

    On the user information form, you will see fields where you can enter the participant’s details. Fill in the information as follows:

    • Full Name: Enter the complete name of the participant (Required).
    • Email: Provide a valid email address for the participant (Required).
    • Entry Amount: Indicate the number of entries that the participant will receive. The default amount is often “1” but can be adjusted based on your contest rules (Required).
    • Birthdate: If available, input the participant’s birthdate in the format MM/DD/YYYY (Optional).
    • Phone Number: Include a contact number with the appropriate country code (Optional).
    • Country Code: Enter the 2-letter ISO code for the participant’s country, such as “US” for the United States (Optional).
    • Region: Specify the participant’s region, such as “California” (Optional).
    • Referred By: Input the email address of the existing contestant who referred the new user, if applicable (Optional).
    • Photo URL: Provide a direct URL to the participant’s photograph if you wish to include it with their profile (Optional).

    4. Submit the Information

    After you have filled out the required fields, review the information to ensure its accuracy and completeness. Once you are ready to proceed:

    1. Click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the form to finalize the addition of the new user to your contest.
    2. A confirmation message may appear to let you know the operation was successful, and the new user’s entry will be visible in the “Manage Entries” list.

    Additional Tips

    • Validation: ViralKit may automatically validate the information provided for format and consistency, so make sure the email and birthdate are in the correct format before submission.
    • Referral Tracking: If the “Referred By” field is used, ensure the email address matches the referrer’s entry in the contest to properly credit any referral bonuses or acknowledgments (it will only work if the referrer has already entered your contest).


    Manually adding a user to your contest is a simple task with ViralKit. Just remember to gather all necessary information beforehand and to adhere to your contest’s rules and any relevant legal requirements when entering user information. This feature ensures you can effectively manage entries and handle special cases as needed for your contest.

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