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    How to Use the Style Editor on ViralKit

    The Style Editor on is a powerful tool that allows you to create a visually stunning contest form that aligns with your brand. With a user-friendly interface and real-time editing, the Style Editor makes it easy for anyone to customize their contest without needing to know how to code. Here’s how to make the most of all the features available in the Style Editor.

    Access the Style Editor

    1. Log in to your dashboard.
    2. Choose the contest you wish to edit.

    Once you are in the contest details page, click on the Open Style Editor button located under the Styling section to launch the editor.

    Customize Your Contest Form

    Hide or Display “Powered by ViralKit”

    You can choose whether or not to show the “Powered by ViralKit” attribution in the widget footer. Toggle between visible and hidden to suit your preference. Note: white labeling and fully customized branding is available on the ultimate plan.

    Font Colors

    Adjust the colors for:

    • Body font: The color of the main text in your form.
    • Headers font: The color of header text, making titles stand out.
    • Link font: The color of clickable links for better visibility or to match your brand.

    Input Fields

    Customize your input fields to make them pop or blend in with your contest’s theme:

    • Input field border color: Pick a color that frames your input fields.
    • Input field background color: Choose a color for the background inside the input fields.
    • Input field text color: Select a color for the text that users will enter.
    • Input field border width: Decide the thickness of your field borders with options like “1px.”
    • Input field border radius: Set the corner roundness of your input fields, e.g., “4px” for a slightly rounded edge.


    Make your submission buttons stand out:

    • Button background color: Choose a vibrant color that invites clicks.
    • Button font color: Pick a color for the text on the buttons that’s readable and appealing.
    • Button border radius: Define how rounded the button edges should be, such as “10px” for a pill-like shape.

    Contest Form

    Control the overall appearance of your contest form:

    • Contest form background color: Set the main color theme for your contest form.
    • Icon color: Decide what color the icons within your form should be.
    • Contest form border color: Choose a border color that complements or contrasts with the form background.
    • Overall contest form width: Set the width of the form, like “600px” for a sizeable presence on the page.
    • Contest form border width: Determine the thickness of the form’s border.
    • Contest form border radius: Choose a border radius for the overall form.

    Decide which elements to show or hide:

    • All Entries count
    • My Entries count
    • Time Left
    • Winners Count
    • Add box shadow: Enable this to have a shadow around your contest form, giving it depth and prominence on the page.


    Tailor the text for a personal touch or specific instructions:

    • Entry button text: Change the default “Enter Now” button text to whatever you prefer.
    • What are the users earning?: Specify what participants gain by entering, labeled as “Entries.”

    Add Media

    In addition, you can add a photo, video, or logo to your contest.

    Preview Your Design

    As you make changes, the Style Editor provides a real-time preview of your contest form. This instant feedback allows you to experiment with different looks until you’re satisfied with the design.

    Save Your Design

    Once you’re happy with your contest’s appearance, click the Save & Preview button to apply your customizations. You can then exit the Style Editor, and the changes will be reflected in your live contest form.


    With the Style Editor on, you have complete control over how your contest looks and feels to participants, ensuring your campaign not only captures attention but also aligns perfectly with your branding strategy. Get creative and start designing a contest form that’s as unique as your campaign!

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